"Ten Horse Team on the Overland Trail"


Ten Horse Team on the Overland Trail

The Overland Trail (also known as the “Overland Stage Line”) was a stagecoach and wagon trail in the American West during the 19th century. While portions of the route had been used by explorers and trappers since the 1820s, the Overland Trail was most heavily used in the 1860s as an alternative route to the Oregon, California, and Utan trails through central Wyoming. The Overland Trail was famously used by the Overland Stage Company owned by Ben Holladay to run mail and passengers to Salt Lake City, Utah, via stagecoaches in the early 1860s. The stage line operated until 1869 when the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad eliminated the need for mail service via stagecoach.

The original “Ten Horse Team” is an acrylic painting on a 2 X 4 foot canvas